Palabres Sans Frontieres

Fair Tourism

What is fair tourism?

In an era where it is getting easier to travel and when the construction of hotels, which deface our landscape, is on the increase, it is important to ponder on the effects our holidays have on territories and the local population.

The idea of responsible tourism, where the tourist can discover a country and also contribute to the sustainable development of the destination in question, was conceived from the realization of the need to fight against the negative impacts of tourism (destruction of landscapes, deteriorating living conditions, no benefits and no consideration for the views of the local people).

An extract from Palabres Sans Frontieres’ charter of fair tourism

” Fair tourism can be defined as the process of making man and meeting people the most important aspect of one’s journeys with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development of the territories and executing the following actions:

  • Involving the local population in different phases of the projects embarked upon by tourists
  • Respect for the people, their culture and nature
  • An equitable distribution of resources generated “